Across Australia, there are a number of accredited organisations leading the way in supporting mums returning to work.
These organisations have made a commitment to support their breastfeeding employees.

The Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace accreditation supports thousands of employees, across hundreds of sites to implement supportive, accepting and respectful workplace cultures for breastfeeding employees.
By becoming an accredited organisation, you will be joining a vast number of organisations and businesses across Australia leading the way in gender equality and supporting mums.
You would be joining these organisations as a leading family-friendly workplace:

Below are organisations with BFW accreditation:
The following government organisations and departments are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Australian Institute of Family Studies
- Australian Public Service Commission - Best Practice
- Attorney General's Department
- ASC Pty Ltd
- Community Services Directorate - Best Practice
- Department of Finance
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Department of Education - Best Practice
- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - Best Practice
- Department of Health and Aged Care - Best Practice
- Department of Industry, Science and Research
- Department of Veteran Affairs
- Digital Transformation Agency
- Fair Work Ombudsman - Best Practice
- Geoscience Australia
- Justice and Community Safety - Best Practice
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- National Archives of Australia
- National Health and Medical Research Council - Best Practice
- Office of National Intelligence
- Office of Parliamentary Counsel (OPC) - Best Practice
- Parliament of Australia - Parliamentary Departments:
- Department of Parliamentary Services
- Department of the House of Representatives
- Department of the Senate
- Safe Work Australia - Best Practice
- Services Australia
- Sport Integrity Australia
- The Treasury
The following government organisations and departments are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Best Practice
- ACT Health Directorate - Best Practice
- ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate - Best Practice
- ACT Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
- ACT Legislative Assembly - Best Practice
- Transport Canberra and City Services
- Suburban Land Agency (ACT)
- Access Canberra
- NSW The Cabinet Office and Premier's Department
- Parliament of NSW
- Primary Industries & Regions SA - PIRSA - Best Practice
- Sydney Trains - Engineering Maintenance Branch
- Sydney Trains - Train Crewing Branch
- TAS Department of State Growth
- VIC Department of Government Services
- WA Department of Health
The following government organisations and departments are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Banyule City Council - Best Practice
- City of Ballarat
- City of Greater Dandenong - Best Practice
- City of Stonnington
- City of Swan
- City of Tea Tree Gully
- City of Victor Harbor
- Maribyrnong City Council
- Melton City Council
- Mildura Rural City Council
- Town of Victoria Park
- Wyndham City Council
The following organisations, departments and services in the health industry are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Best Practice
- Australian Sports Commission - Best Practice
- Canberra Health Services
- Family and Child Health Service - SA
- Flinders Medical Centre (SA)
- IIIawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
- Joondalup Health Campus
- Karitane - Best Practice
- Mallee Track Health & Community Service - Best Practice
- mecwacare
- Mercy Health
- North Western Health PHN
- NSW Health Agencies as below:
- Agency for Clinical Innovation
- Bureau of Health Information
- Cancer Institute
- Clinical Excellence Commission
- eHealth NSW
- Health Infrastructure
- HealthShare NSW
- Health Education & Training Institute
- Ministry of Health
- NSW Health Pathology
- Peninsula Health
- Public Health Service (Tasmania) - Best Practice
- South East Regional Hospital (Bega, NSW)
- Sunshine Hospital
- Tresillian
- NT Health - hospitals as below:
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- Palmerston Hospital
- Gove District Hospital
- Katherine Hospital
- The Pharmacy Guild of Australia
- The Royal Women's Hospital
The following finance and investment organisations are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) - Best Practice
- Mercedes-Benz Financial Services - Best Practice
- Rabobank
- Reserve Bank of Australia
- Statewide Super (Statewide Financial Management Services)
- The Treasury
- Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA)
The following education organisations and departments are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Affinity Education Group
- Australian National University
- Construction Training Centre - Best Practice
- Deakin University
- Department of Education & Training - South Western Victoria Ballarat Office
- Flinders University - Best Practice
- La Trobe University
- Macquarie University
- St Paul's Grammar School - Best Practice
- Trinity Grammar School NSW
- University of Canberra - Best Practice
- University of Newcastle - Best Practice
- UNSW - Best Practice
- University of Tasmania
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- Western Sydney University
The following organisations in the energy and mining industries are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- AGL Energy Ltd- Best Practice
- APA Group
- BHP -Brookfield Place (WA)
- BHP - Coal BMC South Walker Creek (QLD)
- BHP - South Australia
- Chevron Australia Pty Ltd - Best Practice
- Hydro Tasmania Group - Best Practice
- Origin Energy - Best Practice
- Shoal Group Pty Ltd
The following organisations are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Clayton Utz - Best Practice
- Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers
- Dentons Australia Ltd - Best Practice
- Maurice Blackburn Lawyers - Best Practice
- McInnis Wilson Lawyers
- Moray & Agnew Lawyers
- Queensland Law Society
- Wotton + Kearney Pty Ltd
Consulting/Corporate Services
- Beca Pty Ltd
- GHD - Best Practice
- JLL Commercial Real Estate
- Murawin
- Virtual IT Group (VITG) - Best Practice
The following community service and not-for-profit organisations are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
- Australian Breastfeeding Association
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Paul Ramsay Foundation
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
- Terrain NRM - Best Practice
- Uniting Gippsland
- YWCA Canberra
The following organisations are currently accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces.
Tourism & Information
- Australia Zoo - Best Practice
- News Corp
- National Gallery of Australia
- eBay Australia
- IKEA Australia
- - Best Practice
- Mercedes Benz Australia Pacific Pty Ltd - Best Practice
- Vicinity Centres
Emergency Services & Defence Forces
- 2nd Health Battalion
- NSW Police Force - Best Practice
- Royal Australian Air Force

By gaining accreditation as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace we can meet the health, family and cultural needs of our women, which in turn provides the Air Force with the strategic and capability benefits of optimised recruitment and retention, reduced absenteeism, greater effectiveness and productivity, whilst demonstrating our commitment to workplace diversity.
- WGCDR Kelley Stewart

JLL are proud to have received the Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Accreditation from the ABA. This accreditation recognizes the importance and benefit of having spaces and policies to support our people to breastfeed or express during work hours. As a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace, we are proud of the role we are playing to support gender equality. We are a people focused business and continue to strive to support our employees through all stages of life by creating and delivering inclusive policies and promoting our environment where everyone feels included and empowered to excel.