Mercy Health has been accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace since 2007

Mercy Health is a Catholic organisation grounded in a 2,000-year tradition of caring for others. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Health is made up of more than 9,000 people who provide acute and subacute hospital care, aged care, mental health programs, maternity and specialist women’s health services, early parenting services, home care services and health worker training and development. Mercy Health employs people from many cultures and backgrounds who, irrespective of their beliefs, share a common bond to care for those in need.
Mercy Health has been accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace since 2007 and has a number of dedicated spaces at our major facilities for employees who wish to breastfeed that are equipped with a comfortable lounge chair, fridge, sink and nappy changing station. We recognise the importance of breastfeeding for both mother and baby and we are committed to accommodating and supporting employees balance breastfeeding and work responsibilities. This is reflected in our organisation wide Breastfeeding and Work Policy and Procedure.
We also have in place a childcare referral service, fully funded by Mercy Health. Our employees are invited to contact this external service and they will be provided with advice on availability of childcare options in their area, whether that is close to home or work. As a Workplace Gender Equality Agency Employer of Choice for Gender Equity since 2008, we recognise the importance of a more proportionate distribution of caring responsibilities for men and women and that flexible workplace practices supports employees and their families to choose caring arrangements that best suit their circumstances. Mercy Health has in place a formalised Workplace Flexibility Policy and Procedure to support this commitment.