In 2020, Mallee Track Health & Community Service was recognised and awarded as meeting the Best Practice standards.

MTHCS was established in 1997 as a Multi Purpose Service (MPS) following the merger of Ouyen District Hospital and Murrayville BNC. Service centres were also established in Patchewollock and Underbool. In 2011 Sea Lake & District Hospital Service (SL&DHS) merged with MTHCS expanding our boundaries to include Nandaly, Culgoa, Berriwillock, Woomelang and Ultima.
MTHCS is situated in the heart of the Mallee in NW Victoria, and provides a range of services across all Mallee Track Communities; a total area of 18,000 square kilometres.
MTHCS provides services to the communities of Ouyen, Murrayville, Underbool, Patchewollock, Sea Lake and surround districts.
MTHCS provides services to meet the growing needs of our communities. These needs are identified through Community Service planning processes in consultation with our communities. Services provided include: acute medical and urgent care, Community/District Nursing, High & Low level residential aged care, Long day care & vacation care, kindergarten cluster management and a broad range of allied health and community services.
MTHCS recognises the importance of breastfeeding for both mothers and infants. We strive to provide a work environment that is family-friendly and conducive to enabling mothers to find a rewarding balance involving both work and breast feeding. We acknowledge that the needs of each mother and infant will vary. In recognition of this we have a Breastfeeding Policy that incorporates flexible working opportunities to enable these needs to be accommodated. We have provided multiple rooms that are able to be utilised by staff for breastfeeding and or expressing.
Mallee Track Health & Community Service gained accreditation as a Breast Feeding Friendly Workplace in 2014. In 2020 We were awarded BFW Best Practice standard by the ABA. We proudly continue to maintain a positive work environment that is enabling of a rewarding breastfeeding experience for our staff.