The Murray-Darling Basin Authority has been accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace since 2019.

The Murray–Darling Basin is the largest and most complex river system in Australia. With the enactment of the Water Act 2007, the MDBA was established as an independent expertise-based statutory agency. The MDBA aims to achieve a healthy, productive Murray-Darling Basin through the integration of water resources for the long-term benefit of the Australian Community.
The MDBA recognises the importance of breastfeeding for both carers and the child and aims to provide a family-friendly workplace that enables employees to balance breastfeeding and their work responsibilities.
The MDBA is committed to ensuring that work and breastfeeding can be combined comfortably and practically to promote ongoing benefits to the child, carer, mother and the workplace. The MDBA supports women in their desire to maintain breastfeeding for as long as they require.
The Agency aims to:
- Assist staff to integrate their work and family commitments
- Provide access to suitable breastfeeding facilities for employees
- Provide flexible work arrangements
- Improve recruitment and retention of staff following parental leave
- Promote workplace diversity and health and wellbeing
- Improve staff productivity and engagement