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Breastfeeding and your supply

Breastfeeding: and your supply


Breastfeeding:  and your supply explains the basics of how breastfeeding works, the supply-and-demand relationship of how breasts make milk and the let-down reflex.

40 pages

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Breastfeeding: and your supply explains the basics of how breastfeeding works, the supply-and-demand relationship of how breasts make milk and the let-down reflex.

It includes:

  • What to expect in the early days of breastfeeding
  • Colostrum versus mature breastmilk
  • Frequency of feeds
  • What is cluster feeding and why do babies cluster feed
  • Coping with engorgement
  • How to tell if your baby is getting enough or too much breastmilk
  • Correct positioning and attachment
  • Step by step instructions on baby-led attachment
  • Practical tips for increasing supply
  • How expressing breastmilk impacts supply
  • Issues that may arise from providing complementary or top-up feeds
  • Ways to cope with having too much milk.