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The WHO Code Advocacy Project

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    Increase your knowledge of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes 

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    Report a breach of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes in Australia 

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    Support our work to create legislative change

All Australian families have the right to make informed decisions about feeding their baby based on objective factual information free from confusing and exploitative marketing.

ABA is calling on the Australian Government to legislate the WHO Code in full with funding for ongoing monitoring and enforcement. 

June 2024

The ACCC called for submissions from interested parties about re-authorisation of the MAIF Agreement.

What is the MAIF Agreement?

In Australia, we have a voluntary industry agreement (companies are not required to sign up to it), called the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formulas (MAIF) Agreement. The Agreement fails to protect Australian families from manipulative marketing practices and affects their ability to make informed decisions about infant feeding. The MAIF Agreement has just been reviewed and you can read the Final Report below.

WHO Code Taskforce webinar Oct 2022

Our project partners

The WHO Code Advocacy Project is making a positive and lasting change to support the health of mothers, babies and the whole community. We have partnered with these key public health organisations, universities and individuals in a collaborative effort to ensure that the marketing  and promotion of breastmilk substitutes is appropriately regulated. 

Partner logos
sticky notes on a wall

The WHO Code FAQs

BFW work image

The WHO Code in detail


Report: Impact of Formula Milk Marketing

WHO UNICEF Digital Marketing

Report: Formula Milk Digital Marketing