Qualifications and general requirements
To deliver and assess our breastfeeding education courses
You must hold one or more of:
10998NAT Certificate IV in Breastfeeding Education
10960NAT Diploma of Breastfeeding Management
10961NAT Course in Community Breastfeeding Mentoring (short course)
PLUS one of the following training and assessment credentials:
TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment plus the following units:
either TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills, or TAELLN401A, and
either TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools, or TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B
a Diploma or higher-level qualification in adult education.
To assess (only) our courses, you need to hold one of the above credentials or the TAESS00011 Assessor Skill Set or both the TAESS00001 Assessor Skill Set and TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools.
In addition to the qualification requirements outlined above, trainers or assessors must also possess
Vocational competencies to the assessment level
Current industry skills and knowledge in training and learning.
To deliver and assess the 10960NAT Diploma of Breastfeeding Management
You must hold:
One of the above training and assessment credentials
10960NAT Diploma of Breastfeeding Management AND
Relevant health professional qualifications (eg IBCLC)
Please note: ABA no longer offers training and assessment courses. If you need to gain the TAE40116, you will need to do this course externally.
General requirements for trainers and assessors
In addition to the qualifications and industry experience, you will need to:
Demonstrate vocational competencies to the level being delivered and assessed
Demonstrate current industry skills directly relevant to training and assessment being provided
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs your training and assessment.
Continue to develop your VET knowledge and skills, keeping current with your industry and trainer/assessor competence.
Roles and responsibilities
Please read and understand the position description for:
Keeping your information current
To comply with RTO legislation, we need your vocational experience to be current. You can update your details via MY ABA. This ensures our trainers and assessors are:
keeping their industry skills current
continuing to develop their VET knowledge and skills
Recertification – every 2 years
To continue as a trainer or assessor, you must complete a recertification on a 2-yearly basis (the date will be stated on your appointment letter).
This is also part of our quality review processes and allows volunteers to review their commitment to deliver training and or assessment within the Association.
Working with Children Check or equivalent check
Under the States’ legislation, people who are doing child-related work and who are not exempt need a WWCC.
This applies to both paid and volunteer workers.
You are required to have a WWCC under these circumstances.
You need to make sure you always have a current check, and you need to provide the new expiry date or information (if any) when you renew the check
ABA training signature
In the VET system the signatures of trainers and assessors are used to verify the attendance and assessment outcomes of learners.
To reduce issues with potential fraud and misuse of signatures, we recommend that you create a specific signature for your training and assessment role within ABA that is different to the signature you use for banking and other purposes.