It's an exciting time as you and your newborn baby learn to breastfeed. Find great information and support to help you on your breastfeeding journey.

Commonly asked questions
For some mums it can take a little longer for their colostrum to change into milk and for some, the change may also be more gradual. Holding your baby skin-to-skin is really important to trigger hormones that make milk. Feed your baby as often as you can - whenever they are awake. If your baby isn't feeding from your breast, express as often as you can. Read more about milk coming in.
It’s normal for babies to lose weight after they are born. If your baby is able to feed from your breasts as often as they want, your supply will build. Keep offering them your breast. ‘Top up’ formula feeds make it harder for a mum to establish her milk supply.
An ABA breastfeeding counsellor can give you suggestions about increasing your supply and avoiding top ups. Find out more about normal weight gains and and how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk.
If your baby is attached well breastfeeding should be comfortable. If you feel pain at any time during a feed, something may not be quite right. You may need to change the way you are holding your baby or your baby’s attachment at your breast. Find out more about getting a comfortable attachment.
Sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t go to plan in the first few days but it’s never too late to start. Try holding your baby skin-to-skin as often as possible to trigger milk-making hormones. Your baby will still have instincts to find your breast on their own. Read more about skin-to-skin contact.
Your breasts are starting to make milk and for some mums, engorgement can feel uncomfortable, even painful. It may help to feed your baby as often as you can and encourage baby to take a little from both sides each feed. Between feeds, cold packs can relieve discomfort. Read more on engorgement.
Breastfeeding: a practical guide
Your complete guide to breastfeeding. Over 200 pages of must-have information for the first year of your baby's life. Get the eBook FREE with ABA Virtual Village.