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3 - 6 months

Increasing your supply
Solids - Do we start yet?
older baby feeding
How to stop the formula top-ups
sleeping baby
Expressing - Getting the milk to flow
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Why won't my baby feed?
Feeding your distractible baby
Understanding baby growth charts
Understanding baby sleep
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Commonly asked questions

Will solids help my baby sleep?

This is a common belief but no, it is not a magic cure. There are no differences in night-waking whether a baby is having solids or only breastmilk. Frustratingly, some babies have more night-wakings when they are given solids too early. It’s best to wait until around 6 months before starting solids.

More on starting solids

Understanding babies and sleep

My baby is too distracted. How can I get them to feed?

It’s normal for babies around 4 to 6 months to be distracted when feeding. There are lots of ways you can help your baby – a quiet room, a boring background and away from TVs, phones or other distractions. A colourful necklace for baby to play with can also help. Remember if your baby is hungry they will eat. 

More about feeding your distracted baby. 

If your baby is refusing the breast entirely, there can be a number of reasons for this.

More on breast refusal 

My baby was sleeping through and is now waking up. What’s happening?

Babies’ sleeping patterns change frequently. They go through developmental stages, learning to move and roll over, and these changes can lead to more wakes. Often this is temporary, and they will start to sleep longer stretches in their own time. When babies do wake, very few of them can self-settle, needing help to feel calm again. This may mean being breastfed back to sleep and this is normal, and okay.

Find out more about baby sleep.

My baby’s feeds are very short. Are they getting enough milk?

As babies get older, they become more efficient at breastfeeding, getting the same amount of milk (or more!) in a quicker period. If your baby is having plenty of wet nappies and growing in length and weight, and has some content times, they are getting enough milk.

Worried your supply is low? 

Find out more.

I don’t get any milk when I try to express. Does that mean I don’t have any?

It’s important to know that the amount you express is not the same as how much milk you can produce or the amount your baby takes when feeding. Babies are expert ‘breast pumps’!  Many mums find it takes practice to learn how to express. Getting the milk to flow as you express is one key skill.

Read more

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