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Request for research assistance form

Who should use this form

Researchers seeking support from ABA to recruit participants to their research projects.

When this form should be used

When requesting access to ABA members, staff or archives for research purposes.

Enquiries about research collaborations should be directed to our Breastfeeding Information team by emailing

ABA supports high quality research on breastfeeding-related subjects only:

  • lactation
  • breastfeeding
  • breastmilk
  • breastfeeding environments
  • ABA volunteers, staff or members (past or present) or ABA services.

Reciprocal agreements

By accepting research support from ABA you agree to:

  • Acknowledge ABA support when publishing or presenting your results, including your ABA Research Approval Number. (In some instances our logo may be provided for use.)
  • Display your ABA Research Approval Number in all advertisements, participant call outs, flyers etc
  • Submit a paper based on your research to our peer-reviewed journal, Breastfeeding Review. Details for submission can be found at
  • Or, if you would prefer, a shorter feature article can be submitted for our monthly professional eNewsletter. Please contact for further details.


  • We only support research where it is in the interests of the Association, our volunteers, members or staff (past and present) and the community.
  • ABA will endeavour to provide access to potential research participants when required but cannot guarantee participation.
  • ABA will not approve any research requests where that research is funded by companies that manufacture, distribute or sell infant formula or artificial baby milk (including ‘follow-on’ or ‘toddler’ formulas for children up to 36 months) or other foods and beverages promoted to be suitable for feeding a baby during the first 6 months of life when exclusive breastfeeding is recommended. This would include baby teas, juices and waters.
  • ABA will not approve any research requests where that research is funded by companies or entities that are not WHO Code compliant according to the ABA Position Statement on the International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes and the subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions (referred to as ‘The Code’ or ‘WHO Code’).
  • Access to ABA members or staff will be negotiated with each individual applicant. This may incur an advertising fee.

How to apply

  1. Read the ABA Research Policy
  2. Complete the webform below.
  3. You will then be invoiced for a non-refundable $120 administration fee.

** Technical note

Some users have had difficulty submitting this form. If you are an ABA member, please ensure that you are logged in before continuing.

If you are not a member, or are unable to login, please scroll down and upload your supporting documentation first. If you receive an error while uploading files, please refresh this page and try again, then complete all fields before submitting.

If you are still unable to upload your files, please contact with details of your submission.

               Related policies: Research Policy

Project description
Chief investigator
Project details
Limit to 50 words
Limit to 50 words
Ethics approval
Ethics approval status
For research requiring ethics approval, provisional approval may be given prior to human research ethics approval being obtained, but final approval will only be given once ethics approval has been granted. 
Is this research being done by ABA about ABA services?
Australian Breastfeeding Association Research
In requesting research assistance, I agree that:
Supporting documentation
Upload the following documents
A lay description of the study – no more than 200 words
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx.
A scientific decsription of the study - no more than 200 words
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
A statement of the significance of the study - no more than 200 words
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
A statement regarding risks, if any, to the participants
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
The information provided to potential participants before they begin a survey or questionnaire.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
The questionnaire/s or survey/s being sent to participants, if applicable
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, docx, .
By submitting my application for consideration I, the Chief Investigator, acknowledge that:
Office use only
Approved by
Does research project involve ABA or the services offered by ABA?
Has copy of research publication been received by BIR team?
Has synopsis/report of research project been received and/or published in ABA publication?
Has research publication been submitted to Breastfeeding Review?
Contact 1
Approved by
Senior Manager Breastfeeding Information and Research
Date approved