
Student resource bundle
This bundle is specially curated to support midwifery students to develop your breastfeeding knowledge and to provide information and support for your continuity of care families.
Full description
Specially curated for midwifery students, this collection will grow your knowledge about breastfeeding so that you can offer effective support now to your Continuity of Care women and in the future to all the women and families you meet in your practice as a registered midwife. This bundle also includes resources to share with women and families so that they can understand the support that ABA offers for their breastfeeding journey.
- Included in this bundle:
- Breastfeeding: a practical guide
- Normal Nappies (100 sheet pack)
- Premature babies booklet
- Twins Triplets and More booklet
- Expressing and storing breastmilk booklet
- ABA DL flyers x 5
- Large magnets photoframe x 2
- ABA support cards x 10