Breastfeeding Management in Australia (5th Edition)
The 5th Edition Breastfeeding Management in Australia is the ultimate Australian lactation reference book, featuring evidence-based information and practical clinical management strategies, in an easy to read format. Whether you are a midwife, lactation consultant a GP or a student, this book provides you with the latest information for when you are caring for breastfeeding women and their infants.
The 5th Edition Breastfeeding Management in Australia is the ultimate Australian lactation reference book, featuring evidence-based information and practical clinical management strategies, in an easy to read format.
Whether you are a midwife, lactation consultant a GP or a student, this book provides you with the latest information for when you are caring for breastfeeding women and their infants.
This book covers the most common issues and problems that arise both in hospital and in the community – from antenatal care to weaning.
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Topics covered include:
- The fundamentals of breast milk production including the anatomy of the breast and importance of breastfeeding
- Normal course of lactation: antenatal period, learning to breastfeed, settling and sleep, infant growth, introducing solids, and feeding the older child and weaning
- Common breastfeeding problems: nipple pain, blocked ducts, mastitis, breast refusal, low milk intake, engorgement, oversupply and fast flow
- Issues for the breastfeeding woman: nutrition, sexuality, contraception, breastfeeding after a cesarean, maternal diabetes, stress, breastfeeding and hospitalisation or medical conditions, safe use of drugs while breastfeeding, lactation suppression
- Breastfeeding challenges: psychological and medical barriers, breastfeeding preterm infants, twins, working and breastfeeding, expressing and storing breast milk, lactation aids, relactation and induced lactation
- Breastfeeding and infant problems: gastrointestinal conditions in the infant, jaundice, food allergy and intolerance, ineffectual sucking, cleft lip/palate, infants with additional needs
- Breastfeeding in context: Psycho-social determinants of breastfeeding, international and national perspectives, emergency preparedness for carers in developed countries, research and ethics
It is also highly recommended for students, especially those sitting the IBLCE exam. Edited by Wendy Brodribb AM MBBS IBCLC PhD FABM, this easy-to-use reference is an essential source of up-to-date care for breastfeeding women and their children.