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Emergency resources for babies and toddlers

Resources to help you prepare, evacuate and recover

Bushfires, floods, storms, power outages and evacuations. No matter the emergency, we can help you to protect the babies and toddlers in your family or community.

A range of printed resources from the bushfire project displayed at a local event

Preparing for emergencies

Emergencies can happen at any time. Planning ahead is one of the most important things you can do to protect your young family if you find yourself impacted.


Download our one-page emergency planning guide to learn six steps every parent can take.

A woman with a young baby in a carrier sorts through emergency supplies

Caring for your baby or toddler in an emergency

In an emergency, caring for a baby or toddler can come with new challenges. The series of fact sheets below are specific to emergencies such as bushfires and floods. They will help you to feed and care for your baby safely through an emergency.

There are 6 fact sheets covering the following topics:

What do you need to evacuate with your young family?

Packing an evacuation kit with all the items needed to care for your baby or toddler for at least 3 days is an important step you can take to prepare for an emergency.

Choose from our range of evacuation kit lists to learn what to pack for a:

Supporting young families in emergencies

Everyone has a role to play in helping to protect babies and toddlers in emergencies. No matter your role, we have resources to support you: