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ABA Image library - photo, artwork and video consent form and image upload

Who should use this form

Contributors of photographs, videos or artwork including amateur and professional photographers, artists or videographers

When this form should be used

When photographs, artwork or videos are being donated to the ABA Image library.  

For assistance with the process or completing the form contact 


Thank you for submitting your photographs/artwork/videos for inclusion in the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s Image library. Your support is important and appreciated by all who design, create and use our information.

Our Image library is used in the production of our print and digital resources and publications, in education modules and presentations and on our website and social media platforms.

Your contribution will help us to continue to support mothers, babies and families and educate health professionals throughout Australia and around the world.

To withdraw permission for any of your images or for any other support please contact the Image library.

Approved by
Manager Breastfeeding Information
Date approved