What is the Judy Gifford Impact Award?
Judy Gifford OAM was a long-standing volunteer with ABA. She impacted thousands of people and their families, through her incredible interactions over 4 decades.
Prior to her passing in February 2023, ABA chose to honour Judy, with an annual Judy Gifford Impact Award.

The award is given to one ABA volunteer each year and is presented on International Volunteer Day 5th December.
The criteria for the award include:
- longevity of service to ABA
- consistency of service with active ongoing participation
- having made a positive difference to ABA and/or within breastfeeding in Australia
- having been a positive influence on others, within ABA, and for breastfeeding
Nominations will open mid-year, and close at the end of September. All nominations will be considered in respect of the above criteria.
When nominations are open, a form is visible at the bottom of this page.
Judy Gifford Impact Award Winners

2023 Recipient : Dot Newbold
Dot’s impact within ABA
Dot has been a breastfeeding counsellor for more than 40 years and has held many roles in ABA, including National President.
She has held roles at National, branch and group level. Training and making ABA information accessible to all, has been her focus and passion.
Dot’s love of the English language and editing has allowed her to use her skills and knowledge to make ABA information even more impactful – providing clear, factual, and simple information for all to enjoy.
It is clear from Dot’s experience that there are many ways to give and volunteer within ABA – all of which have an incredible impact.
Dot says “ABA has always given me so much more than I have given it! I was able to follow my interests and surround myself with good people (many of whom are still friends to this day) to support me and teach me new skills.” Dot was able to challenge herself and extend her skills in a safe environment. She attributes her personal growth, career development and change in attitude to raising children, to the wonderful ABA volunteers that she has been surrounded by over the years.

2024 recipient: Pixie Endacott
Pixie’s impact within ABA
Pixie first joined the then Nursing Mothers’ Association of Australia (NMAA) in 1972 in Sydney and qualified as a counsellor in 1976. She is now based in Portland, Victori and is best known as a trainer and assessor, a doula to trainees and sounding board for her fellow breastfeeding counsellors and breastfeeding educators. She has a rich history with ABA/NMAA.
She is best known for her various roles in counsellor training and remains an active volunteer in training as well as on the Helpline Services, with a regular LiveChat shift.
Pixie has been a pioneer - successfully campaigning for ABA to produce a breastfeeding journal aimed at health professionals and became the first editor of Breastfeeding Review; driving the task of revising ABA’s internal counsellor and educator training for this to become nationally accredited within the Vocational and Education Training (VET) system; co-creating , a set of resources to explain babies’ feeding cues and states of wakefulness visually and developing and cementing relationships at the local maternity hospital, Portland District Health (PDH), resulting in PDH sponsoring ABA memberships for all first-time mothers birthing at the hospital (since 2017).
Pixie has begun and led many ABA groups in New South Wales and Victoria and remains proud group leader of the Portland Group
‘I never had any idea of where my membership of NMAA would lead me.’
We are so grateful for you, Pixie!