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Nutrition For Mums & Bubs Guest speaker, a Nutritionist (North Bondi)

- Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

Wairoa Community Hall
67 Wairoa Ave, cnr Brighton Blvde,
(next to Child and Family Health Centre)
North Bondi NSW 2026


Nutrition For Mums & Bubs: Libby, a nutritionist, will share tips on how to nourish yourself and your baby. Plus simple ways to help children build a healthy relationship with food, from starting solids. Our group is friendly and welcoming. We'd love you to come.  

Our venue is suitable for babies and toddlers. Free 2 hr parking in side streets. Bring a friend, partner, relative. 

A counsellor is available for your breastfeeding and parenting questions.  

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Contact details

Email or SMS Kristy on 0414 977 968


-33.887148260666, 151.2791909