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Event details


Let's celebrate National Mothering Week because you are awesome and doing an amazing job! We will also welcome Chiropractor Vanessa to our group as a guest speaker to discuss some tips to look after yourself during this intense time in your life.

Please register your interest with Lauren on 0401710449 so we can plan but also on the day drop ins are fine if your schedule is changeable.

Mothering can be tiring and sometimes we feel run down. Hear from our guest speaker, family chiropractor Vanessa Barry on tips for self-care for mothers, common postural concerns and tips for looking after yourself. We will also talk about the value of tummy time for babies and comfortable baby wearing. Please join us and bring any breastfeeding questions, or just to socialise. All welcome, bring a friend or support person if you like.

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The sustainable classroom is the wooden building down the path and in the park to the right of the main community centre if you are coming from the carpark in front of the main centre.


Contact details
For further information contact Lauren via
Phone 0401710449     /    Email      
Facebook     /     Instagram




-33.9305044, 151.2467569