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Event details

Cuppa & Chat

Ipswich: Cuppa and Breastfeeding Q&A

- Brisbane Time

The Foundry Cafe
142 Pine Mountain Road
Brassall QLD 4305

coffee on a wooden table

On Wednesday 12th February we will have our ABA Ipswich get together at our venue The Foundry Cafe, ,142 Pine Mountain Road, Brassall.  We'll meet from 9:30am.

ABA Ipswich will be meeting at  Foundry Cafe on the 2nd Wednesday of the month on a regular basis so you can pop it in your calendar.

The Foundry is a large indoor/outdoor coffee shop with multiple kids playgrounds and baby areas.   You'll find me in my teal coloured shirt with my ABA flag banner flying.

Sometimes at these groups we run a Breastfeeding Topic that mums have identified they would like to know more about.  Other times we chat as a group about questions and experiences we have had.  There is always time and space to ask any breastfeeding questions you have and we can answer them either individually or in the group.

All families are welcome - you don't need to be an ABA member to come along or even be breastfeeding, and the venue is appropriate for children and babies of all ages.


Contact details

-27.586430304803, 152.74312307354