ABA Ipswich Chat and Play is on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
All age kids, small babies and their mums and supporters are welcome.
How to find us: The Raceview Congregational Church Hall is located at 117 Wildey Street, Raceview. Drive in through the green gates (next to the sign "Playgroups meet here") and park under the trees. The hall is the building closest to the back fence. It has a large ramp with reddish rails. Our signs will be out so come and find us.
Our playgroup has a primary focus on children's activities in a semi-traditional playgroup format. We'll have a range of structured and unstructured play experiences, some age appropriate craft and stories and songs according to the needs of the group on the day. For children who may need some food during the session please bring a small snack. Playgroup is aimed at all children under school age and we can modify the activities to suit different age children.
Whilst the children are playing it's a good opportunity to talk about any breastfeeding issues with the other mothers in the group, and we'll have a Breastfeeding Counsellor or Breastfeeding Educator present to provide any information needed. If there's something you would like more information on any breastfeeding topic just let us know.