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Connect with your local group

Chat to and get hints and tips from other mothers who've 'been there' and talk to a qualified breastfeeding counsellor or educator if needed. 

Your ABA Local Group is a ready-made social network of local parents. 'Mother-to-mother' support is the keystone of our local groups. You can come along and meet new friends.

Our local groups across Australia host in-person events and get-togethers. You can view our national calendar of events to find a full listing, and attend a group anywhere in Australia.

Each ABA Local Group is led by a qualified breastfeeding counsellor or educators who lives in the area. 

Connect with other mums

Most groups get together once or twice a month for a variety of activities:

Blue people heart

Workshops on breastfeeding and parenting topics

Blue thumbsup

Special events such as a dinner out or movies

Blue coffee heart

Lunch, morning or afternoon tea and chat

Blue stroller

Pram walk or a catchup at the local playground

Blue star

A talk from a guest speaker

Commonly asked questions

What happens at an ABA local group?

All groups offer mothers information and problem-solving support and a program of activities - social and educational. Programs are put together by the local members and reflect the needs of the community they serve, so can vary from area to area.

Our Info & Chat sessions discuss such things as basic breastfeeding tips, expressing and storing breastmilk, supply issues, returning to work, weaning, introducing solids, night-time parenting and much more.

Most get-togethers have at least one trained breastfeeding counsellor or educator present to answer questions and/or discuss any problems you may be having. And of course, as well as being informative, they are great fun

Where are activities held?

Some groups get together in a local venue such as a community centre meeting room, while others meet in each other's homes. Sometimes groups will meet at a special venue, such as a local park, cafe or place of interest.

Who can attend?

Everyone is welcome to attend their local group. Whether you are pregnant, fully breastfeeding, partially breastfeeding, expressing or bottle-feeding you will be welcomed. Partners, friends and grandparents are also welcome to come along.

You can attend unlimited get-togethers anywhere in Australia. If you enjoy attending your local group, please consider becoming a member of ABA as it is only through membership that ABA has the funds to continue to provide its services.

Other group services

Other services offered by your local ABA group could include a library of breastfeeding and parenting books. Some groups will have instructional DVDs available for you to view.

Local groups often produce a  newsletter with upcoming activities and local group news.

Special events including breastfeeding classes, are often held by groups. 

Learn more

What mums say about their local group

I have been a member of the ABA for 18 months now, and I attended my first group get-together when Hayley was 3 weeks old (I just needed to get out of the house and meet other mums with babies!). I am not able to attend as many get-togethers as I did when I was on maternity leave, but Hayley and I try to make as many as work allows. ABA is not just for women who have breastfeeding queries. Hayley and I enjoyed a relatively easy breastfeeding relationship. But what I value most about the get-togethers is seeing other mums, with older and younger children, and getting advice and ideas on where other children are at, ideas for food for Hayley, adjusting to child care, and anything that is relevant to being a mum. Meetings are really just an opportunity for a coffee and a chat. I encourage everyone to come along and see what they are like. It's just a chance to get out, relax and have fun!  Katrina, mum of Hayley, 19 months.

We've been coming to group meetings since Michael was four months old. I was so pleased to find a group of women and children where I felt comfortable enough to open up and share my experiences. I have learnt so much from the women in this group. I also enjoy being able to take Michael out. He usually enjoys being with the other children so much that I get a good break from him! I enjoy meetings so much that I've chosen to train as a counsellor and get involved on a deeper level. I feel that the support new mothers can offer each other, simply by getting together, sharing ideas and being honest about the joys and challenges of parenting and breastfeeding is amazing! Cheryl, mum of Michael, 18 months.

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