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Breastfeeding Education Class

These sessions aim to expand upon the knowledge gained at antenatal classes, to give up-to-date information and to provide insight into breastfeeding a baby and parenting in the early days.

Having a Baby? Have you got questions about Breastfeeding? Come to our relaxed information-packed sessions for expectant mothers and their partners. Although breastfeeding is natural, it doesn't always come easily and it is a learned art. Most women, given time and support, can and do breastfeed. It is useful to learn some of the essentials before the birth and to find out HOW to ask for help if you need it. Our aim is to provide expectant parents with the confidence to breastfeed their babies successfully. These sessions aim to expand upon the knowledge gained at antenatal classes, to give up-to-date information and to provide insight into breastfeeding a baby and parenting in the early days.


Places are limited so early registration is recommended.

14 July 2019 from 12:30 PM to  4:30 PM
Conference Room, Early Years Centre (Benevolent Society)
255 Old Coach Road
Upper Coomera
Phone: Sue 0413 186 686