In April 2022, the Public Health Services (Tasmania) was recognised and awarded as meeting the Best Practice standards.

Public Health Services, Department of Health Tasmania is a state-wide service based in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie. Our aim is to increase the number of Tasmanians who experience good health and are free from preventable ill health, harms and injury
Our functions include:
- Health protection
- Health promotion
- Disease and injury prevention
- Population health assessment
- Monitoring and surveillance
- Emergency preparedness
- Promoting public health research
Our workforce of 132 people, filling 106 positions, is 76% female and 24% male. Many of our employees work part-time. We work across 6 locations.
In 2007 our Community Nutrition Unit became accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace. Over the next few years, we made a business case and took steps to have our whole service accredited. In 2010 Public Health Services became accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace.
We are in the business of prevention. We understand that breastfeeding is a key public health priority. Becoming accredited was an important way to practice what we preach. It has raised awareness about the importance of breastfeeding-friendly workplaces within government and with organisations that we work with.
Our organisation supports families in many ways. We offer:
- Parental leave after the birth or adoption of a child
- Keeping in Touch Days to allow employees to remain in touch with their workplace while on extended leave
- Flexible work options such as reduced hours, flexible work hours and working from home