ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate has been accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace since April 2016

The Justice and Community Safety Directorate seeks to maintain a fair, safe and peaceful community in the ACT where people's rights and interests are respected and protected.
First accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace in April 2016, the Directorate is committed to maintaining its accreditation as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace to support its workforce, which is made up of 48.7% women.
JACS supports female workforce participation, equality in employment by reducing barriers to opportunities, and offers a range of entitlements and policies that create an environment where mums, bubs, parents, carers and families can combine breastfeeding and family commitments with work responsibilities.
Our employees can apply to access the following:
- Dedicated breastfeeding rooms across our geographical locations
- 18 weeks paid maternity leave
- 3 weeks paid bonding leave
- Flexible work arrangements including part time and job share
- Carer's leave
- Purchased leave
- 1 hour of paid lactation breaks per day
- Vacation childcare subsidy where leave cannot be facilitated
- Access to counselling and related services