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All times are scheduled in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time. Please adjust to suit your time zone.


You’ll be welcoming your baby soon, you know you want to breastfeed and you want to be prepared.

If you’re impacted by diabetes this specific Breastfeeding Preparation Session is for you. It will provide you with all the amazing information covered in the general Breastfeeding Preparation Sssion as well as information specific to experiences of diabetes while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is a learned skill, for mums and babies alike. Get the practical skills to help your baby to establish breastfeeding, as well as solutions for common challenges. Learn in a small group, covering must-have tips, techniques from our qualified breastfeeding educators and hear first-hand from a breastfeeding mum impacted by diabetes in our Q&A segment.

Past participants regularly comment that our classes were THE most important bit of pre-birth preparation they did – so schedule an ABA workshop or class now.

You’ll leave feeling empowered and prepared for your journey ahead.

You will learn
  • Discussion of how diabetes can impact pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • How breastfeeding works and practical suggestions to establish breastfeeding when you have diabetes
  • Antenatal expressing of colostrum
  • Signs that your baby is getting enough milk 
  • Getting started - including positioning and attachment
  • Steps for a comfortable feed
  • How to tell when your baby is hungry  
  • What’s normal for newborn feeding and common baby behaviours 
  • Where to go for help and support
Resources provided
  • Detailed videos of newborns feeding and what good attachment looks like  
  • Practical tips to know when your baby is getting enough milk 
  • Guides of different feeding positions – Solve common challenges or just get comfier!

2 hours


ABA Virtual Village member price: $20

Non Virtual Village member price: $125


Purchase as part of ABA Virtual Village Plus for just $90:

  • 12 months Virtual Village membership $70 plus
  • 1 x online education session $20

You save $105

Become a Virtual Village Plus member

Please note: This booking is for an online session.

For a local in-person Breastfeeding Education Class near you search the interactive map in the website header