In 2019, Australia Zoo was recognised and awarded as meeting the Best Practice standards.

Australia Zoo is more than just conservation through exciting education; it is also an accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace!

With an extensive support system for mums-to-be and women returning to work after maternity leave, Australia Zoo is retaining its experienced & dedicated workforce. This support system includes a case management approach during pregnancy: in the initial consultation employees are given information on breastfeeding and pregnancy policies, and throughout their pregnancy discussions ensure a happy and safe work environment. These meetings allow staff members to ask any questions in a safe, confidential and relaxed atmosphere and provide the HR team & our zoo with the information and tools to ensure a safe workplace.
Combined with flexible work options, access to alternative support services, a family friendly work environment and a Breastfeeding Policy, Australia Zoo's female employees are given options with their working arrangements. Australia Zoo provides facilities for mothers to breastfeed their children or express milk during working hours.
By introducing a Breastfeeding Policy, we made it easier for women to return to work and often they can return earlier than expected. We feel there is a need to ensure that work and breastfeeding can be combined comfortably and practically. We have a wonderful support system with a culture that allows women to return to work when it suits them and their families.
Some recent staff comments and feedback:
Due to our breastfeeding policy I have been able to return to work earlier than expected, and this benefits me as well as Australia Zoo.
The experience working while pregnant was much more pleasant that the pregnancy itself!
Australia Zoo has provided support throughout my pregnancy and beyond.
They provided an information package when I notified them of my pregnancy and also are there to help with any questions.
I love my job so much and intended on taking maternity leave knowing that my position will be available to me when I comes back
One Manager stated that “the level of support and policies in place has resulted in retaining skilled and valued employees by ensuring the best possible outcomes for both the staff person and Australia Zoo.”

At Australia Zoo, all staff have free entry for their direct family as one of their workplace benefits. When staff are on Maternity Leave, they often visit with their family and their new born baby. “Keeping in touch” days are vitally important in the transition back to work and the employee still feels part of the team and the family at Australia Zoo.
Australia Zoo has been accredited since January 2007 and recognizes the importance of creating a supportive environment for breastfeeding women in the workplace. The Australian Breastfeeding Association has guided Australia Zoo by providing support, information, consultation, communications plans and valuable resources.