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ABA exceptional achievers

Meet the exceptional volunteers at ABA

These volunteers go above and beyond to support our mums, bubs and families.

Each of these volunteers has been recognised for their exceptional contribution to the association.

These national awards acknowledge outstanding efforts in a particular area, project, role or activity, over a period of time, that is above and beyond the usual volunteering expectations. 


ABA 2025 Exceptional Achievers

ABA 2024 Exceptional Achievers

ABA 2023 Exceptional Achievers

2022 Exceptional Achievers


In her first 6 months of volunteering Joy has supported 205 breastfeeding mothers, their babies and families via the national Breastfeeding Helpline., she has also been involved in breast pump hire, supporting local families, coordinates the local group project, supports her group and is engaged in advocacy. Joy's energy and dedication to supporting breastfeeding is phenomenal. 


Ros has shown constant and consistent commitment to and support of the Association. She gives her all to ABA - training and mentoring ABA's new volunteers, supporting mums, families and health professionals locally as Group Leader and nationally via the Breastfeeding Helpline. She is a true super hero!

Nicole, ACTNSW

Nicole has jumped in and helped any group in need and for taken on roles to help make things happen because she knew other volunteers needed a hand and how much it would mean to them if it did happen.

Antonia, ACTNSW

Antonia is recognised for always jumping in and picking up where things were left off. She is always supportive, she constantly checks in with individuals and groups and make sure that everyone feels included and appreciated.


Reb is recognised for their dedication and work in supporting and producing materials for Rainbow families across Australia.

Jen, QLD

Our webmaster - for her thousands of hours of work that has been contributed over the years, in a very quiet way – for the benefit of the millions of mums who visit ABA.

Jemma, QLD

Jemma's dedication and commitment is second to none. In her first 6 months of volunteering Jemma has supported 223 breastfeeding mothers, their babies and families via the national Breastfeeding Helpline, supported her local group, the meme team and become the volunteer Breastfeeding Information team coordinator.

Glenda, QLD

Glenda Grove for bringing unending passion to every aspect of ABA.

Kaitlyn, QLD

Kaitlyn has been nominated for sailing over every hurdle that has presented itself in her journey with ABA, and for getting South Brisbane BECs off the ground again!

Cassie, QLD

Cassie is recognised for bringing enthusiasm and flair to a wide range of ABA events.

Corinne, SANT

Corinne has gone above and beyond the expectations of her role
She has navigated COVID related issues and maintained her enthusiasm for this project (branch conference which was rescheduled 3 times), and continued to motivate others to be involved in the planning. 
She has at times had to make difficult and emotional decisions, which she has done with poise and grace.

Sarah, TAS

Sarah quietly and reliably gets on with the job.  She lives at the extremities of our island state, but she is there, volunteering for ABA with commitment, compassion and efficiency.

She is efficient, kind and reliable.

Meg, TAS

Meg has been a regular on Helpline on Saturday afternoons for a long time, and although she lives a long way from the main centre of her group, she keeps in touch with ABA, at all levels, and ensures she meets all her obligations.

Kate, VIC

For her exceptional leadership in her coordination of the Advocacy WG, resulting in monthly information to volunteers to support ABA's advocacy activities at a local level

Sharon, VIC

Sharon does an incredible amount of work as a coordinator of the breastfeeding helpline for Victoria, but also works tirelessly supporting her region, which covers the length of the Victorian Murray River, supporting training and trainees, and is an absolute asset to the Victorian Branch team also. She goes above and beyond in so many ways, always with a sense of generosity and with a beautiful smile. She is an exceptional volunteer.

Ruth, VIC

Ruth is an accomplished breastfeeding counsellor who never fails to offer support to mums, and to be available when needed. She has taken over 5000 calls since the Helpline became national, the most total calls in Victoria, and 2nd most Nationally. She is also ever quick to offer support and suggestions to the Victorian Branch team, and is a highly valued member of the Boroondara group, the Melbourne East Metro Region, and an amazing trainer too!

Pam, VIC

Pam is a tower of strength within her local group, region and across our branch. She volunteers in so many other ways, including providing support through the CFA and the Red Cross, and is never far away from using her excellent skills in providing support to breastfeeding mothers in all aspects of her volunteer life. Within the association, she is such an incredible member of our branch training team, and supports trainees from across Australia, alongside stepping into the Regional Representative role locally when there was a need. She is consistently supportive, encouraging and willing to do what she can, and does so with enthusiasm. She is an exceptional volunteer.

Renee, WA

Social Media Content Creator Extraordinaire -for her engaging and popular posts, always being available and willing to step in and help, and her meme revitalisation work.

Monica, WA

Monica has poured a great deal of passion and dedication to meeting mothers where they are at and answering their questions. Acknowledging the need for improvement, Monica has taken the initiative to seek training opportunities for herself, and offered to train and support other volunteers working in social media, as well. She is always available to answer questions and provide support to other volunteers in this area. Monica runs the Branch Social media team with enthusiasm, reliability and passion. Monica has also made significant contributions to the WA branch strategic planning group

Beth, WA

Beth has demonstrated dedication to the support of breastfeeding mother, picking up 457  chats on LiveChat. She continuously meets the parents were they are at and answers countless social media messages.  This is a phenomenal effort and we are very grateful for the time she spent supporting breastfeeding mothers, parents and families.

Alisya, WA

Alisya is a passionate and crucial advocate for breastfeeding education in WA. Recognising an opportunity, Alisya organised, prepared and co-facilitated BECs for midwifery students at universities across Perth. Alisya’s love of data and skill in analysis has steered the WA branch towards a view of optimising our operations and delivery. She excels in data analysis, consultation, and vision

ABA 2021 Exceptional Achievers

Megan, ACT/NSW

For her outstanding contribution supporting the volunteers in the ACT/NSW branch

Leila, ACT/NSW

For her support of ABA's trainees as the ACTNSW branch Training Manager 2010 - 2020.

Belinda, VIC

For her heroic amount of work to get the Breastfeeding … with ABA podcast up and running.

Heather, VIC

From the development of the Breastfeeding Education Lives, to the planning and the launch strategy including the technical aspect.  Heather spent many hours training the technical hosts and running training sessions. She also hosted 20 Breastfeeding Education Live sessions in 12 months.

Kathleen, VIC

For her dedication and commitment to the Association: 2015 to 2020.

Leah, QLD

For developing solid relationships with health professionals and powering on through adversity.

Bronwyn, QLD

For having a diverse skill set and using it with flair

Lisa, QLD

For her boundless enthusiasm for group activities and expanding promotion of ABA

Mary, SA/NT

For her passionate support of breastfeeding through her advocacy work and her volunteering as a breastfeeding counsellor, group leader, regional representative, and branch president

Tate, TAS

For her generous and unwavering volunteering with ABA to help Tasmanian families access breastfeeding information and support.

Felicity, TAS

For ongoing and dedicated service to NMAA/ABA at group, region, Branch and National levels.

Emma, WA

Emma has been a pillar of strength and direction. She has generously gifted countless volunteer hours. Emma's amazing inclusive spirit and bubbly personality has led the WA Branch through some very difficult and changing times with the association. 

Aileen, WA

Aileen has gifted her financial skills in the role of Branch treasurer, for 7 years. She has often supported the branch team in tasks beyond her treasurer role, such as seeking political donations and conference registrations. Aileen's generous and supportive nature has ensured the WA Branch finances are healthy and will cared for

Robyn, WA

for her dedication to the support of breastfeeding mothers, taking over 6000 calls on the National Breastfeeding Helpline, 2009 – 2020

Sandy, SA/NT

For taking over 4500 calls on the Breastfeeding Helpline

Ruth, VIC

For taking over 4000 calls on the Breastfeeding Helpline

Helen, VIC

For taking over 4000 calls on the Breastfeeding Helpline

Sharon, VIC

For taking over 4000 calls on the Breastfeeding Helpline

Desley, QLD

For taking over 7000 calls on the Breastfeeding Helpline

Julie, VIC

For gifting over 2500 hours to the Breastfeeding Helpline 

Sally, ACT/NSW

For gifting over 2500 hours to the Breastfeeding Helpline 

Leanne, VIC

For taking the MILLIONTH call on the Breastfeeding Helpline