Message from our president
Congratulations to ABA on the 60th anniversary, I am looking forward to celebrating this incredible milestone with our members, volunteers, and supporters.
Our anniversary year gives ABA the opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved in the past and look to meeting the expectations and needs of mothers and families into the next 60 years! There is still so much more for ABA to do to achieve its goals for breastfeeding to be seen as the norm for infant feeding and to see Australia as a breastfeeding friendly society.
During our 60th year, the ABA Board looks forward to meeting up with as many members and volunteers as possible. We will also be looking at ways to affect policy and societal change to remove barriers for mothers to successfully breastfeed for as long as they choose to. Watch this space for further details as we celebrate our 60th anniversary.
ABA's 60th anniversary year in pictures

What's on in ABA's 60th anniversary year

In-person celebrations in your community
ABA local groups are your ready-made social network of local parents. Search the calendar for events near you.

World Breastfeeding Week free webinar - 6 August 2024
Register for our free, live, World Breastfeeding Week webinar, 'Cyclones, bush fires, floods: being prepared in times of emergencies and crises.'

ABA 60th anniversary commemorative items for purchase...

ABA 60th anniversary rose - Endless Love
Find out more about how to order a rose at your local nurseries or garden centre.

NMAA / ABA through the decades

1966 NMA Code of Ethics adopted
The Association's gentle approach to breaking new ground whilst keeping key stakeholders onside, was enshrined in the first NMA Code of Ethics.

1969 First NMA group outside Victoria opened
Virginia Thorley (previously Phillips) was the first group leader to train outside Victoria and opened the first interstate group in Townsville, Queensland in 1969.

1982 First edition of 'Breastfeeding review' published
NMAA launched professional journal Breastfeeding Review, with editor Pixie (Hilary) Endacott. One of only two international journals devoted to human lactation.

2001 Name changed to Australian Breastfeeding Association
The proposal to adopt, Australian Breastfeeding Association as a new name was agreed to by NMAA members at an extraordinary general meeting on 19 May 2001.

2008 National Breastfeeding Helpline rolled out
On 20 March 2009 Federal Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, launched 1800 mum 2 mum, a national 24 hour free Helpline, which had been rolled out, state by state over 2008.

2012 Diploma of Breastfeeding Management introduced
ABA's registration as an RTO enabled the national accreditation of courses, including the Diploma of Breastfeeding Management, for health professionals and qualified breastfeeding counsellors and educators.

2018 LiveChat launched to all Australian families
Initially developed as a benefit for ABA members, LiveChat was made available to all mums, parents and families in 2018.
Support ABA in our 60th anniversary year!
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