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Breastfeeding as your family grows

Breastfeeding: as your family grows


Breastfeeding: as your family grows gives practical suggestions for managing the arrival of a new baby including preparing for the birth, being at home with both children, self care and play ideas that will include the older child.


25 pages

Full description

Breastfeeding: as your family grows gives practical suggestions for managing the arrival of a new baby including preparing for the birth, being at home with both children, self care and play ideas that will include the older child.

It contains:

  • Tips on preparing your older child for a new baby
  • Ways to help your child understand birth
  • Information on being at home with your older child and your new baby
  • Strategies to help keep your older child occupied while you feed your baby
  • Play ideas for children aged 1–6 years
  • Ways to encourage an older child to help with a new baby
  • Suggestions from other parents on what they found helpful to prepare their older child for a new baby.